Thursday, November 7, 2019

On Self-Reliance Part 4

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds". It's better to challenge yourself with things that you know are going to be difficult than always doing the same things that won't challenge you and make you learn different and interesting things. It's also better if you're great and misunderstood because other people might learn from that and it could also make you unique and be resected by other people. We pass for what we are because we always think little of ourselves and don't try out best because we think people are going to judge us or we won't do it as good as we think we are.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

On Self-Reliance Part 3

It's better to be a good person and not having people notice for it than making people think you're a good person and having people notice it when in reality you aren't. For nonconformity the world whips you with it's displeasure.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

On Self-Reliance Part 2

It's better to try and give it your best than not try at all. the author of this essay is recasting us as heroes and influencers to other people even if we don't see or believe that we are. It's perfectly natural to think some things are better than other things . Society say to be our best selves, but at the same time society judges when we are our best selves.

Monday, November 4, 2019

First Impression "On Self Reliance"

What caught my eye when reading "On Self Reliance" was the first paragraph. "Man is his own star; and the soul that can Render an honest and perfect man", This quote really caught my eye because it talks about how you are who you are because of what you do and don't let people tell you what to do.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

So This Guy Goes For A Walk

A guy goes for a walk, then he gets stopped by a police. The guy is confused on why he got stopped and the police keeps on asking him questions that don't relate to why stopped the guy. After talking for a few minutes the police ends up arresting the guy and takes him to a phychiatric center.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Value of MyTime

Time investments that I'm giving myself right now is practicing and learning more about what I want to do in the future. things that I'm doing to help me achieve this goal is to take notes and learn from the mistakes that I make so then I know what I need more practice on.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

First Impression of a Dream

My first impression of ''A Dream Within A Dream'' by Edgar Allan Poe was at first I thought this was going to be a love poem, until I kept on reading I found out it wasn't. The poem made me feel like I was on a break somewhere nice at the beach because he talks about being on shore holding golden grains of sand which gave me some good, beach type vibes.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My Esssay Essay

Young Goodman Brown is  short story of a man who  goes for a walk in a forest late at night. throughout his walk, he sees the devil. The devil then takes a advantage of  Young Goodman Brown's mind and persuades him to not trust nobody not even his wife. He also finds out that not everyone he hangs out with his perfect and can be trusted. Throughout the story a pink ribbon is also brought up. the pink ribbon represents how innocent and sweet Young Goodman Brown's wife is.

Monday, September 23, 2019


I think Hawthorne wrote "Young Goodman Brown" because he was probably bored and wanted to write a scary short story about Goodman Brown going on an errand in the forest. I think it effected Stephen King because he also is an author who writes scary novels and was pulled in by the short story because he said it is one of the most scary short stories he had ever read. The story shows that just because someone is the nicest person in the world does not mean they can always be trusted because behind your back they might be onto something and you would never know.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Medium is The Message

If it comes to something serious I will most likely talk to the person in person so they know that it is serious and genuine. The reason I would do this is because if it was through messaging they probably wouldn't take it serious. If  it was taking about something not as serious for example talking about homework for a class or having a regular conversation, I would just message the person or talk over the phone with them.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

You are not entitled to our own opinion because not everybody will agree with what you say or do. Also if you are entitled to your own opinion it could offend someone and even start a big problem. I think people should just keep their opinions themselves if it's harsh and might offend someone. It's better to be open minded and respect what other people are saying because sometimes you can learn a lot from someone else.


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